Expert Meeting on SDG Indicator 4.6.1

7-8 November 2017, Paris, France

In support of GAML, the UIS convened experts on functional literacy and numeracy to address measurement issues in producing data for Indicator 4.6.1. In particular, the goal was to produce a conceptual framework to enable comparison of results across countries and a concrete definition of “proficiency levels”. Experts thus presented perspectives from low- and middle-income countries on adult literacy assessments.

As part of the meeting objectives, participants:

  • Reached an agreement on a conceptual framework for Indicator 4.6.1 (including reading, writing and numeracy);
  • Explored existing frameworks and proposed the inclusion of alternate ways of measuring; and
  • Defined a minimum or fixed level of proficiency in literacy and numeracy for Indicator 4.6.1.

Meeting documents