10th meeting of the GAML

The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) working group met in person in Paris on 6 and 7 December 2023 (see concept note). The focus of the meeting was on the global indicator SDG 4.1.1. The meeting presented the main challenges associated with producing reliable and internationally comparable learning outcomes data, while highlighting the significant developments made and lessons learned, and setting an agenda for the way forward. All related documents may be found in this page under the ‘GAML meeting’ section

Technical Advisory Group on SDG indicator 4.1.1

  • The UIS convened a TAG of experts to refine the eligibility criteria that assessments should meet for reporting on SDG 4.1.1, with emphasis on SDG 4.1.1.a (early grades) given its recent downgrade from Tier I to Tier II during the IAEG/SDG meeting in October 2023.
  • The first TAG meeting (4-6 March) reviewed the Criteria for Eligibility for reporting:
    1. alignment/validity;
    2. item content/quality;
    3. sample representativeness/rigor;
    4. assessment administration;
    5. data custodianship, reliability, and linking to the MPL.
  • The second TAG meeting (14-16 May 2024) reviewed the evidence from the analysis of existing databases and discussed benchmark-setting.

For more information: refer to the page TAG on SDG 4.1.1a.


Visit this page for a complete list of learning data resources.

Learn more on to how to measure learning and the harmonisation of standards for measuring learning outcomes for reporting on SDG 4 Indicators 4.1.1 on minimum learning proficiency, 4.4.2 in digital literacy skills, 4.6.1 on functional literacy and numeracy skills, 4.7.4 in knowledge of environmental science and geoscience, and 4.7.5 in breadth of skills.

Policy Linking Toolkit

The Policy Linking Toolkit describes the Policy Linking methodology used for measuring global learning outcomes. The toolkit was initially developed in 2019 and revised in 2020 and 2023 following implementation of Policy Linking in Bangladesh, India (grades 3&5 grade 8), Cambodia, Lesotho, Nepal and Zambia.

Read the revised Policy Linking for Measuring Global Learning Outcomes Toolkit  

Download the Policy Linking workshop presentations.

Pairwise Comparison Method (PCM) Toolkit (2024)

Co-authored by the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Centre at the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the Pairwise Comparison Method (PCM) toolkit was developed to help support countries to align their assessment with global standards and report against SDG 4.1. UIS has developed a menu of options to enable countries to report against SDG 4.1.1, of which the Pairwise Comparison Method (PCM) for measuring global learning outcomes is one. Where appropriate, and to support consistency, some content of this PCM toolkit is based on one of the other options for countries, the Policy Linking Toolkit (PLT).

The Global Coalition for Foundational Learning

The Global Coalition for Foundational Learning was founded in 2022 to bring together partners with a shared commitment to improving foundational learning for all and a desire to work together to drive change more quickly.

Foundational Learning is defined as basic literacy, numeracy, and transferable skills such as socioemotional skills that provide the fundamental building blocks for all other learning, knowledge, and higher-order skills.

More information on the Global Coalition for Foundational Learning in this document.

What are the three key priorities of the Coalition?

  1. Coordinate support to countries to implement aligned evidenced-based solutions to improve Foundational Learning outcomes at scale.
  2. Support countries to monitor learning progress and improve availability of learning data.
  3. Support strategic advocacy and communications to call for implementation of the Commitment to Action, create an enabling environment for policy change, and help drive accountability for implementation.