Meetings of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

The 10th GAML meeting
6-7 December 2023, Paris, France

The 10th GAML meeting

The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) 10th meeting was held in-person in Paris on 6 and 7 December 2023 (see concept note). The focus of the 2023 GAML meeting was on SDG indicator 4.1.1, the global indicator measuring learning outcomes. The meeting presented the main challenges associated with producing reliable and internationally comparable learning outcomes data, while highlighting the significant developments made and lessons learned, and setting an agenda for the way forward.

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The 9th GAML meeting
23 November 2022, virtual

The 9th GAML meeting was held virtually on the 23rd of November 2022. The programme discussed the following topics among others: updates to MPLs; harmonization methodologies such as Rosetta Stone and  policy linking; measurent tools such as the AMPL and PISA Household Survey modules; foundational learning; and methodological developments.


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The 8th GAML meeting
28 October 2021, virtual

The 8th GAML meeting was held virtually due to the pandemic restrictions. It presented the MILO project designed to measure learning losses, the learning data compact and an overview of policy linking. It also discussed the use of science proficiency as a proxy for SDG 4.1.1 (reading) and the use of cross-national learning assessments to measure SDG indicator 4.2.3.


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The 7th GAML meeting
21 and 23 October 2020, virtual

The 7th GAML meeting was exceptionally held virtually due to the restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the topics discussed during the meeting: challenges and progress in measuring learning, Rosetta Stone, Policy Linking, MPLs, indicator on children learning and completing, learning poverty, and the pandemic-related disruptions in education.


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The 6th GAML meeting
27-28 of August 2019 Yerevan, Armenia

The 6th GAML meeting focused specifically on the updates on the UN and Education 2030 processes and the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG4 – Education 2030 Indicators (TCG), discuss alternative linking strategies for reporting on Indicator 4.1.1, assess and make recommendations on the criteria to develop learning targets, exchange on the challenges in reporting and validating learning assessment data as well as using data for policy making, and deliberate on the work of the GAML actions to support capacity development.


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The 5th GAML meeting
17-18 October, 2018, Hamburg, Germany

The 5th GAML meeting focused specifically on the updates from the UN and Education 2030 processes and the TCG 4th meeting regarding development indicators and the recommendations on reporting and capacity development, updates on the various GAML activities and the progress of indicators from the Secretariat and the different Task Forces, review the progress of the GAML work plan, and assess and make recommendations on the national implementation of learning assessments, skills’ measurement and endorse capacity development measures .


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Consensus Building Meeting on Proficiency Levels
10-11 September 2018, Paris, France

The consensus building meeting addressed the following:

  • The number of proficiency levels when addressing a country’s progress in achieving SDG 4.1.1;
  • The policy proficiency level descriptors (PLDs) for each educational level; and
  • The performance level descriptors for reading and mathematics for each of the educational levels.

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The 4th GAML meeting
28-29 November 2017, Madrid, Spain

The 4th GAML meeting focused specifically on the received updates on UN and Education 2030 processes on the development of indicators, recommendations regarding reporting and capacity development, discussed and endorsed the GAML governance and priorities reviewed and endorsed the measurement strategies for each of the learning- and skills-related indicators, discussed and approved the conceptual, methodological and reporting frameworks for Indicator 4.1.1, and finalised the learning outcomes and skills-related inputs to be integrated in the report that will be prepared by the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG 4–Education 2030 Indicators (TCG) to the Education 2030.


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The 3rd GAML meeting
11-12 May 2017, Mexico City Mexique

The 3rd GAML meeting focused specifically on the governance structure of the GAML , new tools developed to improve the data from different types of learning assessments, frameworks and guidelines to help countries assess and strengthen the quality of their assessment activities, and the methodological work underway to produce Indicator 4.1.1.


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The 2nd GAML meeting
17-18 October 2016, Washington DC USA

The 2nd GAML meeting focused specifically on the implementation of the SDG 4 global and thematic indicators, methodological work underpinning the proposed versions of the International Code of Practices for Learning Assessments, the Global Framework for Reference, and the UIS Catalogue of Learning Assessments, and developments related to the learning scale.


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The 1st GAML meeting
11 May 2016, Washington, DC USA

The 1st GAML meeting focused specifically on building consensus on a pragmatic approach to generate comparable measures for targets 4.1, 4.2 and 4.6 by building on existing efforts and knowledge.


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